Mechanic Advisor

This Auto Mechanic Invented What?!?

Posted December 13, 2014 by Bobby Gaglini

Mechanics are no strangers to out-of-the-box thinking. All cars are made different, and sometimes, it takes a little extra thought to fix an issue at hand. For Argentinian auto mechanic Jorge Odon, thinking out-of-the-box has now saved countless lives during delivery.

In 2008, Odon was sitting at home with his friends, trying out a party trick they'd seen on YouTube. The trick involves pulling a cork out of the bottom of a wine bottle using nothing but a plastic bag, and your own breath. Today, the "Odon Device" is helping reduce stillbirths around the country by using the same technique to gently pull out babies that are stuck within the birth canal.

In developing nations, birth is still a laborious, and sometimes dangerous procedure that can often lead to the babies being delivered stillborn. Instead of using forceps or a vacuum suction which can be very dangerous, the Odon device wraps around the baby's head, and extracts the head gently, instead of forcibly.

Today, Odon has been featured in Success magazine, and his invention has won complete support from the World Health Organization. It's already been tested out in several countries with very successful results, and is currently being looked at by many obstetricians as a viable product to use during delivery.

Not a bad invention for an auto mechanic!