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Truck Parts in Irwin

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Truck Reviews in the Irwin Area

  • Miserable experience. Irresponsible and unprofessional. They installed... read more Miserable experience. Irresponsible and unprofessional. They installed the lift and wheels, had to replace an ABS sensor that they broke, and then gave it back to me with ABS / AWD / 4WD error codes and told me I should take it to the dealership to see if they could figure out what was wrong with it. They wanted nothing to do with actually fixing the problems they caused. They went as far as telling me that it was a "coincidence" and that "nothing we did could have caused these issues". In their defense, the issue ended up actually being the dealership's fault for giving them the wrong sensor. But telling me I could drive a vehicle with a malfunctioning ABS System was DANGEROUS. And the fact that Xtreme gave me back a truck that was barely drivable and expected to completely wash their hands of it was completely unprofessional. They are pretty good at installing parts that you can order out of a catalog made specifically for your vehicle. But they are not real mechanics. I had to bring it back to have them get the TPS they installed working after the ABS issues were sorted out. While I was waiting around for them to do that I got to overhear them telling a customer who was having issues with a remote start they installed that HE needed to "Call the company that makes it. Not sure what we can really do to help you...". They really do go the extra mile to find someone else to blame for anything that goes wrong.

  • This guy stole hundreds of dollars from myself and a state troopers so... read more This guy stole hundreds of dollars from myself and a state troopers son. Both of us put money down for used parts that never came. Both cases are in the courts because Justin refuses to return our money in full. Buyer beware with this guy. Justin I hope you get your life together before its too late.

  • Jason, I was witness to your phone conversation with Dale. At NO TIME... read more Jason, I was witness to your phone conversation with Dale. At NO TIME did he say anything about brain surgery. LMAO...Second, yes we will not repairs cars that a customer has already tried to repair himself and is trying to do as cheap as possible so as to pocket the money... We will not put our good name or warranty behind repairs done by someone that doesn't repair cars for a living..... We simply can not stand behind a repair like that NOR will we take a chance on being sued because you A) didn't say bolt your hood on the proper way and it flies up while you are driving and hits the windshield, etc., or B) are using INFERIOR or worn out, rusted out parts or parts that DO NOT fit properly to try to pocket as much money as you can. Basically what you are trying to do is fraud, in so many words. The insurance company paid to have the job done PROPERLY, not make it profitable for you..... They paid what they felt it would take to return your vehicle to a PRE COLLISION standard so as to make it safe to drive again. Not to allow customers to profit off of accidents..... NO LEGITIMATE shop would have done this job for you knowing you are pocketing money and trying to cut corners and possibly have an unsafe car on the road....I am sorry Jason, we DO NOT cut corners and we will not stand behind a repair such as that. Do you buy your own steaks and take them to Outback and ask them to cook them for you? The same basically applies here. Unless we buy the parts and we can guarantee the job, we don't do it. JILIAN>..YOU NEVER CAME IN HERE FOR AN ESTIMATE OR ANYTHING ELSE FOR THAT MATTER. I AM HERE ALL DAY ALONG WITH DALE. WE KNOW YOU ARE RELATED TO A FORMER EMPLOYEE WE FIRED JUST A FEW DAYS BEFORE YOU WROTE THIS FICTICIOUS REVIEW...TELL TRISTAN WE SAID HI.. LMAO

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